Home > Artworks > Nicolas Minacapilli Mendez

Photo of Nicolas Minacapilli Mendez Uruguay
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Active 2000-03 Studies School of Photography new dimension. 2004-05 School Bios: Edition of video, Post-Producciny Visual Effects. Awards 2001 Young Art Biennale your world a vision ... INJU 1st. Photography Award. 19 Birth of Photography Contest 1st Cooperative Bank. Folders Award. 2003 21 Birth of Photography Contest 1st Cooperative Bank. Folders Award. 2004 8th. Sigma photographic competition - Photo Magazine (Spain)....

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Active 2000-03 Studies School of Photography new dimension. 2004-05 School Bios: Edition of video, Post-Producciny Visual Effects. Awards 2001 Young Art Biennale your world a vision ... INJU 1st. Photography Award. 19 Birth of Photography Contest 1st Cooperative Bank. Folders Award. 2003 21 Birth of Photography Contest 1st Cooperative Bank. Folders Award. 2004 8th. Sigma photographic competition - Photo Magazine (Spain). 2nd. Award Macro. Selected in the 3rd. Biennial of Contemporary Realism and organized by Galera Figuracin Secrets (Murcia-Spain). International Circuit Diaporamas FIAP Gold Medal in the Netherlands. Movida Joven 2004 1er.Premio Meeting of Photography. 2002 Muhar Exhibitions: Photographs of a museum (Museum of History of Art). Collective exhibition. Essay: Universal History. 2003 Natural what comes naturally to your hand. Individual exhibition. Floor Galley The Madrileo. 2003-06Todas the Fairy Kingdom, Design + Photography. Organizer of the event along with the plastic artist Cecilia Morales, calling on designers and artists to express inside the body of a 30 cm Fairy. 2004 5th. Anniversary photographic displays new dimension, Collective Exhibition in the Atrium of IMM (Municipality of Montevideo). 2005 Collective Exhibition in Imaginary Neomenia South. Neomenia in INJU. 2006 Wagon Dreams "Individual Exhibition in Imaginary South.

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